Friday, 24 July 2020


Love is the most commonly used four lettered word in our world today. It is often used in form of a sentence that has come to be more or less a memory verse all the way. One could even claim that to utter “I love you” nowadays has in fact become easier than ABC. One will virtually see “I love you or love you or love you too or love you to the bone marrow or lots of love” in people’s chats before the end of a day. 

It is not debatable that the over usage of this word “love” has revealed its actual abuse. Love is indeed the most abused and misunderstood concept of our society. And the basic truth is that life came to be out of love. Our world exists and will continue to exist because of love.
But it is unfortunate that this thing that holds the world in existence has been misconstrued. One would wonder what could be the possible causes. 

There is no doubt that this misunderstanding stems from sheer ignorance and unfreedom from the make believe doctrines of our society on love.
In the words of C. P. Varkey, “love is unconditional; a decision for the others, and not just a feeling.” It is indeed not a feeling just as it is propagated nowadays. What those who carry about this memory verse simply insinuate is “I feel I love you because you look good, gorgeous, you are charming, of the shape of you and other selfish reasons that can come to mind.” 

Borrowing from the wisdom of C. P. Varkey in his book “Handle with Care: You Can Make or Break Your Child”, he affirmed that “love takes initiatives to act in order to nurture the all-round growth of others as persons”. Little wonder he then avers thus “it is basically a decision to be for others, and not a nice feeling which even a seducer of a girl may feel”.

Unarguably, one could conclude that the world has mistaken love for mere feelings. And it is lucidly evident that love is deeper than feelings. Maybe it might begin with or be mixed with nice feelings but when it does not transcend feelings, it remains absolutely a selfish desire or inordinate affection. And love isn’t that. Any love from any lover that does not take initiative to care for the holistic growth of beloved is clearly a scam. 
So, I can go along to inquire whenever any so called lover desires to make me a
beloved; do you mean you care to be loving? Do you mean you don’t mind spending your time to ensure my all-round growth? If the lovers answers is affirmative then his or action will not also betray him or her because she will really need to be loving.

Wish you a lovely weekend dear reader

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Things to remember about Ignorance Series